Thursday, October 12, 2017

in Sadness, there's happiness.. when you see with the eye of your heart


The heart speak of its' wants yet the mind is thinking of its' logic. When the two is not in par with the intention, level of stress will rise making the head unable to think straight.

Who can calm you better than the words of Allah?
Who can listen to your thoughts and never judge you with your immaturity?

Have you ever read Al-Quran out loud and cried for the beauty of His words? 
Have you ever read Al-Quran with such a voice that soothes your uneasy heart? 

The best part is that... when you talk to Him of your concern and cry out to your heart’s content, he will poke your heart with the blessings in variety forms. It might be just a gesture of kindness from stranger, it could be the beauty of the rainbow appearing before your eyes and it might have been just a smile from random people.

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