Thursday, July 14, 2016

What if.... ? [motivational poem]

What if    Things don't end up like they're supposed to?
What if    This work, This energy I've invested doesn't pay off?
What if    I stay average?
What if    My story was never meant to be unique?
What if    I try and I fail?
What if    My friends stop calling?
What if    I let my family down?
What if    People don't like what I have to say?
What if    My idea is a little out there?
What if    I'm pushing thing too far too quickly?
What if    I lose everything?
What if    Success is for someone else?
What if    I'm meant to work to pay bills and to sleep?
What if    The starting role is just too much for me?
What if    I was a borne follower?
What if    I never find happiness?
What if    I choose the wrong path?
What if    I get lost?
What if    I can never be as good as the person standing next to me?
What if    A life of meaning will always be something that I'll have to stare up at.. wishing.. dreaming?

Or what if I just change the way I look at the world??

What if    Today is just the Beginning?
What if     I decide who I'm going to be and BECOME IT?
What if    My actions can create a ripple effect that will transcend space and time?
What if    Impossible isn't fact?
What if    Its opinion, and what if I don't buy it?
What if   This new world means that Existence starts with me?
What if   I can be the one people look at to?
What if   My past got me here but has no effect on where I can go?
What if   Every single day is a fresh start?
What if   I can be the one who defies the odds?
What if   My dreams become the standard?
What if   My ideas change how people see reality?
What if   The term difficult is nothing but more than a copped up?
What if   My doubters ignite the flame that is my success?
What if   My fear of mediocrity overcomes my fear of the unknown?
What if   Second place is no longer an option?
What if   I make a choice to live every second of my life like it's a miracle? and What if that's exactly what every second is?
What if   To start living like it, to start thinking like it, to stop selling myself short?
What if   Nothing good happens until I believe it?

What if   I stop wasting my time trying to convince others, because I AM the only one who must be convinced

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