Sunday, October 13, 2013

Alhamdulillah.. for everything.. :')

For all the things that you've given to me... 
For all the things that you made me see & feel.. 
Thank you Allah..

Thank you Allah for giving me the chance to meet all the wonderful people in my life..

Wonderful girls with sweet & lovely personality..
People I can depend on.. 
Sharing the same dream..
To be the best in Dunya and...
Insya Allah.. Jannah the destination :')

My Friends...
Always sharing laughters & great experiences..
Shining bright with smiles on their faces..
Awesome company with Awesome friends...
May Allah always guide us.. Amiin..

My Students...
Hadrah & Gulintangan...
Taught me how to be a good teacher..
& taught me to be understanding for others situation..
Sharing the same passion...
You are all great students ^_^
With good attitude...
Hope you all will be successful in Life & Akhirat.. Aamiin..

My bestfriends..
For teaching me what life can offer..
For making me see that there is so much in life if you can just..
get to know Allah better.. :')

Thank you Allah.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah...

Jika kami menghitung anugerahMu kepada kami,
butiran pasir di pantai pun tidak mencukupi.. 
Sungguh sedikitnya kami bersyukur atas kurniaanMu..
Malah lebih banyak kami mengeluh kerana ujianMu..
Sedangkan kami tahu bahawa..
Ujian dunia untuk melihat siapakah yang beriman..
dan siapakah yang layak untuk menghuni syurgaMu..
Kerana cinta, Engkau beri kami ujian..
Kerana kasih, Engkau berikan kami nikmat..

Ya Allah, tetapkanlah hati kami dalam ketaatan untuk beribadah kepadaMu.. 

1 comment:

Hani said...

Awwwwwww~ i just saw this Nad~~~~ :_) Love you loads too <3 <3 <3