Friday, December 14, 2012

True Love..

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah hiwabarokatuh..

Setiap kali kita membaca perkataan "love" atau "cinta", setiap kali itu jugalah we'll feel the flutter of our heart, the smile on our face and sometimes sadness or sorrow, while others might be disgusted by the thought of it. Why? Why...with just a simple 4 letters (in English), would we feel so many emotions and feelings? 

"Cinta itu Anugerah Allah"

Cinta terhadap Parents n Families are different from Cinta terhadap kawan2 Tapi apakah definasi "cinta sebenar"?  

"True love is when you found someone you love, whom you can share your thoughts, feelings and emotions. When you cry, you want to tell them. When you're happy, you want to share with them and when you're sad, you hope that they can comfort you. That is true love" 

That definition made me think for awhile. If true love is shared with a mortal being. A person who can die anytime... then 'true love' is something that can die eventually. It shouldn't be like that! 'True Love' can't die. 'True Love' should be a feeling that cannot be alter with something like 'blowing fire on a candle'. 

The more I think about it, the more obvious the answer is to me. 'True Love' is when you find your love towards Allah grow stronger day by day. Apabila Cinta terhadap Allah semakin mendalam, segala2nya menjadi senang untuk kita. Kita takkan merasa sunyi kerana Allah sentiasa mendampingi. Kita takkan merasa sedih because we know...

"La Takhaf wa la Tahzan. Innallahha ma'ana" 
Do not be afraid and do not be sad. Allah is with us. 

Can human say that to us? That they'll always be there when we need them the most? that they'll listen to us complain every single day without fail? that they'll listen to our sad stories and cries? Sooner or later, people will get bored but Allah won't :'). Love Allah <3 p="p">
Please bear in mind, loving Allah just by saying it is not right.

Tinggalkan LaranganNya, buatlah apa yang di SuruhNya

First thing that we should reflect on;

Solat is the pillar of Islam
That isn't just some saying yang tak mempunyai apa2 makna. Apabila tiang agama runtuh maka runtuhlah agamanya. Mengerjakan solat adalah Wajib hukumnya. Wajib bermaksud, apabila di tinggalkan mendapat dosa dan apabila di kerjakan mendapat pahala.

Untuk kefahaman pembaca, imagine kalau pahala solat = +5 markah dan dosa solat = -5 markah. Manakala pahala sedekah = +5 markah. So everyday if we pray on time we'll get 25 marks. If we don't pray at all but we give charity to the poor 5 times a day. We'll get 0! That is, +5 x 5 kali sehari. dan di tolak dengan dosa meninggalkan solat. Bukanlah bermakna kita sepatutnya mengira2 pahala dan dosa tapi semua ini sekadar renungan bersama sahaja. Apabila akal yang bergerak segalanya menjadi nyata bahawa... Allah itu sentiasa ada, Dunia hanya perhiasan, Neraka dan Syurga sebagai 'destinasi'.

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