Anyway, while i was driving along gadong area.. I was thinking.. What a nice day today :). Feel so blessed by Allah ^_^) Alhamdulillah~~ The sky is so blue, with cotton candy-like clouds and birds were soaring through the sky, free of disturbance. I smiled at none but the beautiful view. (^_____^). Allahuakbar! This is the world you created and in it live millions n zillions of life, who else to thank if not for Allah who created this. Thank you Allah for giving me the chance to live in this world. "Semoga kami kembali di sisimu dalam keadaan yang soleh dan solehah serta terhapus segala dosa, Amin~~".
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Mr Brown - Caramel Macchiato |
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Mango Pudding |
Tengok tu! Soddaappp~~ of cos the pictures taken from google sal malas kn mengambar td hee. But but, the combination of both sungguh menjilat jari~ Nanti th mencuba resepi Mango pudding ^o^). Menikmati hidangan wif mama n sisters d dapur td, syokk.. Nikmat Dunia :).
Anyway, Kemarin tym leap date, 29.02.2012 ku dtg taklimat relief. The taklimat was refreshing n inspiring. Kata cikgu sana, "If kamu nda mau n nda sanggup, boleh kamu reject this offer. Kami inda kn memblacklist kamu" "Just remember, tani mengajar ani demi Allah. Lillahi Ta'ala"... They were saying that some of relief teachers nda besyukur dpt d job n dey even complained about elaun bth kuar n so on. Aku tak menafikan dat i was also one of the graduates yg ikut emotional bila elaun guru relief aher keluar even though i wasn't a relief teacher. I felt the pain n sorrow of relief teachers when they couldn't get a permanent teaching job eventhough they have taught for 3 years or more. Tapi after months of thinking... we shouldn't be like that..
Setiap kerja harus di lakukan dengan ikhlas. I should be training myself to love the job even if it pays less. Being a teacher ani taught me a lot of things.. To be patient, calm at handling student, dedicated to ur job and most important of all, trust students will do better no matter how bad they started! Believe that students can do better if we, teachers, put efforts in making them feel loved n cared! Walaupun the student was labelled as "trouble-maker" tapi we must do our best spaya dat nickname inda mengaffect the way we treat them. Susah kn buat catu? True~ Ingat Allah! Demi Allah! Setiap kebaikan di balas dengan kebaikan n more, setiap kejahatan akan di balas dengan kejahatan yang setimpalnya. So be good to ur students n insyaAllah, u'll be rewarded wif good things eg. students dpt good results! Isn't dat wat we, teachers, should aim for? All this talk is just a reminder for myself. Ganbatte Nad! InsyaAllah i can do this! InsyaAllah I can work without much complain n demi Allah!! Ganbatte!!!
Nad~Lawa your blog! :D Love it!! :) Yes, aku pun inspired lapas dari taklimat atu..Dulu aku pernah berazam kan mendidik anak bangsa sebab tani di antara golongan yang bertanggungjawab untuk masa depan negara tani..tapi sometimes jiwa ani rapuh..dah kana cakap itu ini, demotivated..tapi after that taklimat, i am inspired lagi balik. Niat atu membara :D :D Semoga niat tani diberkati..Amin~
Amin Amin Amin ^_^)v. Tengkiu2, ko tu menginspired ku tuk menukar hehehe ^o^). Wah, manith azammu dulu aa. Aku dulu iski mengajar ja lg damit, n den tym ku ambil dis course bruth tau sedikit sebyk 'aim seorg teacher' ;DD. I hope we wil b teachers yg not only mengajar ilmu but also ngajar durg dr segi moral n Agama, Amin~~
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