Assalamualaikum Semua~
29th November 2010 - First of all, Selamat pagi to Every1~ Hopefully today will be a better day for all of you n Myself. Amiinnn~
Talking about the Above title, I can't think of a catchy Title for this post. At least you guys or girls can understand what it means lah ah. Anyway, For the past few days, I've become an assistant to my father. Since Ayah sakit kaki, so ku gantikn bapa lh dlm bab2 mengantar2 adeks2, membawa bapa bjln n mama bjln.
Dlm masa beberapa hari atu... Fulamaakkkk!! I didn't know that being a father is so hard! You have to think of the time interval. Bila ur adeks balik, n bila durg minta antar bjln, pastu membali brg untuk memasak, pastu ke bank lagi, n also mensign record adeks ku n den membuang sampah dan lain2 lagi lah.
I thought that being a mother is a hard work!! Mcm u have to b versatile in everything esp cleaning n cooking. Not to mention mesti teratur jua, if not.. kompom tunggang tebalik rumah leh tani.
Now, after the few days experience.... I realise Being a FATHER is also HARD.
Alum g ku replace smua kraja bapaku tu. At least separuh of my dad's work lah ku replace.. i tink nda smpai separuh, 1/4 kali ahaha.
Note to myself (n hopefully to every1 else) : Help my father! he'd done so much n had taken so little from Me. The least I can do is help him with his chores. Semoga Ayah d pnjgkn Umur, d murhkn rezeki n Bahagia d dunia dan d akhirat. Amiiinnn~~
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